From Dream Homes to Dream Code

Kenneth Lee

Fullstack Software Engineer

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About me

After several years of helping clients secure their dream homes as a loan officer, my career took an exciting turn towards software development, and I've never looked back. The thrill of solving complex problems and crafting innovative solutions fuels my daily motivation. With each project at Singularity Future Technology Ltd and multplAI, I've honed my skills further, embracing new technologies and tools to stay ahead of the curve. Specializing in Javascript among other technologies, I've led initiatives that enhanced web application performance by 35%, and reduced data fetching time by over 50%, showcasing my full-stack development prowess.

My commitment to clean code and best practices is unwavering, ensuring the delivery of high-quality, maintainable software that meets the needs of my clients and end-users. Whether building a web application from scratch or enhancing complex software systems, my approach is driven by a blend of curiosity, meticulous attention to detail, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. The experience of leading and collaborating on high-priority projects, and seeing them through to successful completion, has not only brought significant value to my employers but also immense personal and professional gratification.

Working Knowledge

JavaScript, Typescript, Three.JS, Postgres SQL, HTML, CSS, React JS, Redux, Node JS, Express JS, Mocha.

Exposed To

Python, Java, Jest, Ruby on Rails, AWS CLI, GitHub, Linux, Bootstrap, material UI, Figma, React Native, Web3, NFT, Solidity.


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Things I ♥

🐱 Cat, 🎥 Anime, 🎶 Music, 🏆Gym, 🖥️ Code, 🎮Game, 🚗Cars, 📷 Photography, 🌏Travel, 🍜Foods


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